Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 3

Being asked to stop smoking weed by your parents is a lot like being asked to sit down when you pee, even if it does keep piss-stains off of the seat, it makes you feel like less of a man. I have to admit, there's a certain appeal to this kind of sober-lifestyle... a strange real feel is cast over everything that I do, it's like "Sober" is actually an acronym for "Son Of a Bitch, Everything's Real". I've taken a new perspective on this whole situation- It's just one big tolerance break, if I still love weed by the time this is all done (which I will, undoubtedly) I'm going to get stupid high, due to my body not being used to THC. See? There's a light-side to this situation after all. One thing that I really will miss is the quality of music, it just sounds so much better while floating. Under the influence, over the ignorance.

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