Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 6

Believe it or not, I've spent more time thinking about what I'm going to do for entertainment more in the past six days than I have in the past 6 months. This is a weird kind of feeling, because even when plans would fall through, I'd have some pot that I could just smoke to make sitting at home a thrilling event. Although I've been away from Marijuana, I have not been away from the culture. I've actually become much more engrossed in the "Hemp-ire" than I ever have before, and it's mainly because I can openly express myself to my family about it all. Contemporary pot issues are honestly the only news that I read up on, but at least I care about a little part of politics. I think I'm going to run out and start buying every single "High Times" magazine that comes out. Well, not much is new other than my restlessness finally leaving... I miss sleeping so much. One love.

1 comment:

  1. I think the big difference is that it is such a huge subculture now days. Back in my day it wasn't, or at least to me it wasn't it was just something fun to do.

    Then the day came where I had to decide if I were going to be a surf bum or do something a little more challenging...Well, occasionally I miss surfing but honestly I don't miss the Pakalolo.

    I think you are brave and I respect you for bringing something like that up with your family. Even though they may have always shown you support, it still must have been a tough step to take.
