Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Days 8 & 9

Seeing as how I'm extremely over-tired, this suggests that I may not successfully be reaching REM sleep as fast as I was while smoking marijuana. This is a legitimate scientific observation! I'm having a lot of fun figuring out new things that my body will do when being weened off pot. I've passed most checkpoints of breaking the habit, so the loss of appetite is fading as well as my ability to hide frustration. There's a whole lot to see from the view-point of ground-walkers (The populous that does not partake in smoking weed), most prominently, the simplicity of daily tasks that would normally be over-bearing to a stoner. "Hey, go feed the dogs" would be a 10 minute ordeal of hell, but now it's just like "I already fed the dogs, the rabbit, and the cat.". I could live with this attentiveness. It almost has me convinced that I could perhaps survive college. As long as I went in as a writer. Now that's a dream. Ambition is a funny thing... this should pass within the next couple of days. One love.

1 comment:

  1. From reading your posts, I'd say as a writer, you not only would "Survive", but you would thrive. Your writing has tone and inflexion giving the reader subtle insight, rather than forcing the reader to read, then process, and then finally attempt to try and understand what the writer was saying. Not so with your writing... Yours speaks to us, the reader.
